How to determine your skin type
When it comes to skincare, knowing your skin type plays a big role in how you should take care of it. Knowing your skin type also helps you figure out how your skin will respond to certain ingredients or why you might be experiencing certain skin care related concerns. There are four skin types: normal, oily, dry, and combination to help determine your skin type you can do an at home examination. When you have normal skin you don't experience many breakouts, your skin doesn't tend to react negatively to any new products or to the change in weather. People who have oily skin tend to turn to mattifying powders and blotting sheets because their skin always seems to be glowing. The face gets a lot greasier later on in the day, and your pores are visibly large especially in your noose, chin, and forehead areas, due to this you experience lots of blackheads, pimples, and other acne. Dry skin is the complete opposite of oily skin, Your skin feels tight, dry, sometimes flaky and cracks especially in the colder months. Combination skin is when your skin looks shiny on at least one portion of the face normally in your tea zone, chin, nose, and forehead. Those with combination skin have blackheads, white heads, dry patches and acne breakouts.